

  1. Auto refresher for codeforces.

  2. Checklist that includes functionality of a blocker

  3. Highlighting elements with keywords

  4. New and improved homescreen that figures out which home page you spent the most time in and suggests to go back there as it might be useful

  5. Question of the day for STEM solvers

  6. Learn french on the go by hovering over text and see what it says in french

  7. Easy way to add stuff to your resume --> Get asked questions which then can be printed as a pdf

  8. For learner profile we can do this by creating a folder

  9. Focused mode --> Removes suggestions and replaces it with focus quotes

  10. quick way to type

  11. Create a list of key-words that appear frequently when browsing yt and stuff --> to see what sparks your interst.

  12. Auto tab deletor --> Choose which tabs to delete automatically with a press of a button, and immediately go to focus mode!

  13. Create a collection of animation ( no word proofs ) that explain intuitively the algorithm in question. Can expand to Mathematics.

  14. A chrome extension that can track your achievements throughotu the day, essentially tracking your limited will-power reserves, and thus can organize easily.

  15. Create a leaderboard by utilizing a database

  16. Let individuals add their own motivational videos, images, and quotes


  1. Garble that is solved from the encryption to the qualities and strengths

    1. make it as if I am actually typing it out, making mistakes like &&&&^^#@< then delete it.

    I am Matth* --> deletes the * then continues. Utilize Math.random()

  2. As the name is typed out, the background, is slowly filled out like a puzzle, indicating my love for problem solving.

    1. Easy to do, just put the images on top of each other, and put the image removed to the bottom of the list to start again and again.

  3. Theme of puzzles.

  4. A digital scroll scrap book? Like

  5. Using AI to find good running routes near you.

Last updated