Character Analaysis
George: George is always a dreamer, he wants the easy way to win. --> gambling
--> A Caucasian bartender --> profiting off of the first nations.
Shows reference to the colonism times of when the immigrants stole land from the first nations.
Mooch: a fucking leech. He cheats in arm-wrestles, takes advantage of free beers and food from Floyd. When he wins he doesn't wait to brag about his victories.
Floyd: Doesn't really like Mooch, Past drink alcoholic that likes to have a gun on him and fight people while drunk. Takes care of Mooch -->Cramp from arm wrestle --> Helps Mooch to massage. --> Gives Mooch Beer & sandwiches
Doesn't like the past. Drinks to cope.
Reference to Floyd Mayweather who was a boxer and was a fighter.
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