Niche Questions


IN a longitudinal graph, its not C. , because a compression, although like a trough, is when the particles are closest to each other. And we see that it is closest at X = 1m. ( Particles to the right have negative displacement; Particles to the left have positive displacement ), indicating more particle content and thus the center of compression.

Electromagnetism Spectrum ( Remember the ranges ):

Logic it out.

try again kid
Just fking redo


THe object is at the near point...

The characteristics of an image is if its upright or inverted / smaller or bigger/ Real or virtual.

Moving to the right results in an image not on the screen?? It tells you the direction lol.`

Watch out for derivation. My way could be okay, but their way absolute.

Knowledge issues for telescopes. Radios use antennas etc...

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