2.2.7 Covalent Network Structures
1. Molecular structure 2. Covalent networks ( giant covalent )
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1. Molecular structure 2. Covalent networks ( giant covalent )
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Both are joined by covalent bonds
Molecular substances
Consists of separate groups of covalent bonded atoms called molecules
Covalent Networks ( Giant Covalent )
Contain covalently bonded atoms in a contiuous three-dimesional lattice.
Silicon Dioxide
And allotropes of carbon
Allotropes of Carbon
Some elements have different structural forms called allotropes like Carbon
Group of substances called fullerenes
Despite all being made from carbon atoms, they have different chemical and physical properties due to their differing structural arrangemnets.
Each carbon bonded to four others in tetrahedral arrangement
Poor electrical conductor due to no mobile charged particles ( electrons are localized )
Excellent Thermal Conductor
Vibrational energy carriers called phonons travel welll through the highly egular lattice and strong covalent bonds
Made of sheets of carbon atoms
Each carbon bonded to three others in a hexagonal arrangement where the geoemtry around each carbon atom is trigonal planar
Are bonded such that one eelctron per carbon atom is delocalized
Which are free to move up and down each sheet and a good electrical conductor
The sheet itself is strong, but the attraction between the sheets are not, ( called London( dispersion ) Forces )
Easy to separate; thus graphite is a good lubricant, and ideal for pencils --> writing causes sheets to fall, leaving a mark
Single sheet of graphite
Thus 1 atom thick ( therefore said to be 2D)
Good Electrical Conductor
Very strong
Applications huge
Bendable electronic displays & desalination technologies
Groups of carbon allotropes arranged in interlinking hexagonal and pentagonal rings
Some form long hollow cylinders ( Carbon Tubes )
Used in nanotechnology ( use of objects with dimesions of nm ( 1000 atoms or less across )
Applications huge
Used to reinforce composite materials ( combination of two materials with different physical and chemical properties )
Strong due to the covalent bonds
Presence of delocalised electrons
Buckminsterfullerenes ( buckyballs )
Covalent Molecular structure
Atoms are arranged in hexagons and pentagons to resemble a football
Applications huge
Medicine as drug carriers
Low boiling point ( why ? )
Silicon and Silicon Dioxide
Silicon forms 3 dimesional lattice
Each atom --> 4 other atoms in tetahedral arrangement
SImialr to Diamond
Note Si-Si bond is weaker than its C-C counterpart
Despite belonging to same group they are different
Silicon is a metalloid, carbon is non-metal
Thus diamond is poor electrical conductor
Silicon is semiconductor
Double & triple bonds common in C, not in Si
Note that Si-O is very strong
Silicon Dioxide / Silica ( )
Quartz ( crystalline form )