2.2.9 The properties of covalent substances

Given comparable molar masses, the relative strengths of intermolecular forces, are


Physical Properties of covalent structures

  • Molecular substance's properties are mostly determined by their inter-molecular forces

  • Covalent networks, with lattices, are dictated by their lattice features


  • Covalent network structures are solid at room temperature and pressure

    • Vaporizing takes a lot of energy because of strong covalent bonds holding structures togehter

      • \therefore non-volatile and high melting and boiling points

  • \becausemolecular substances' intermolecular forces need to be overcome to be vaporized ( converted to gas ), its easy and thus most molecular substances are volatile

    • However volatility varies depending on size and intermolecular forces, for small molecules like N2,CO2,H2O,N_2,CO_2,H_2O,and hydrocarbons, they are gases or liquids at room temperatures.

    • Note larger molecules have lower voloatility and higher melting and boiling points --> Stronger LDFs

      • buckminsterfullerene (C60C_{60}) sublimes ( solid --> gas ) , at 500600°C500-600\degree C

      • Component of candle wax, tetracosane ( C24H50C_{24}H_{50}), boils at 390°C390\degree C

Electrical conductivity

  • to conduct electricity

    • Must contain a free-to-move charged particles

  • Covalent structures are not generally conductive \becausethe electrons are locked up in localized bonds and don't contain ions

  • OFC there are exceptions

    • graphite --> due to presence of delocalized electrons

    • Silicon --> is a semiconductor

    • Solar panels consists of photovoltaic cells that are generally made up of semi conductive silicon.


  • To dissolve, there must be a force of attraction between the solute and solvent

    • Network Structures mostly insoluble due to the such strong covalent bonds holding the atoms together

    • Molecular structures will dissolve if and only if the association/intermolecular forces between solute and solvent outweigh the intermolecular forces between the solute molecules

Like dissolves like, or:

  • Non-polar solutes are likely to dissolve in non-polar solvents

  • Polar solutes are likely to dissolve in polar solvents

  • Dissolution is unlikely if solute is polar and solvent is non-polar.


  • Although Like dissolves like is a good rule of thumb for most cases, it has no explanatory power. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having rules ? What are the alternatives? Do such rules have an "expiry date"? What rule of thumb do you use in other areas of knowledge.

  • Iodine, I2I_2, dissolves easily in non-polar solvents like hexane

    • Insolube in water --> Cannot associate with water molecules

  • Substances that can form hydrogen bonds are easier to dissolve in water

    • Can form hydrogen bonds with water

      • Ethanol & Water

        • THey are miscible --> Can form solution when mixed with any proportion

  • Due to hydrocarbons being non-polar \therefore do not form hydrogen bonds with water, thus an increasing carbon chain length means the solubility decreases as seen with the primary alcohols above.

  • Fats and oils are non-polar and \therefore do not dissolve in water ( hydrophobic --> water hating


  • Vinegar ( ethanoic acid and polar ) + oil (non-polar ) = salad dressing

    • immiscible as they do not mix due to their differing polarities

  • Soaps and detergent molecules often have a hydrophobic tail and a hydrophilic ( water-loving ) head.

    • Useful to remove stains, as they associate with both polar water, and non-polar fats and oils.

      • surface-active agents/surfactants

Global impacts of science

  • Morpine and its derivatives known as opiates, are strong painkillers

    • High chance of misuse and addiction

  • Effects on body depend on

  1. abillity to cross blood-brain barrier

  2. abillity to bind to the opiod receptors in brain ( for regulating pain, reward, and addictive behaviors )

  • The blood-brain barrier is made up of cell membranes that coat blood vessels in brain that prevents polar molecules from entering brain

    • lilpophilic --> permable [(of a material or membrane) allowing liquids or gases to pass throughit] to lipid molecules

  • Morpine is made up of one amino and two hydroxyl groups

    • Makes it polar enough to be soluble in water

    • Reduces its solubility in lipids to prevent ability to reach opioid receptors

  • Diamorphine ( heroin ), replaces hydroxyl groups with ester groups --> reducing Polarity of molecule

    • Solube in lipids and crosses blood-brain barrier easily

    • Makes it 5x more potent analgesic ( relieving of pain ) than morpine

    • Side effects:

      • Tolerance

      • addiction

      • Central nervous system depression ( slowing of NS )

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