Development Of Periodic Table

J.W. Dobereiner ( 1780 - 1849 )

  • Law of Triads ( 1817)

    • In groups of 3 --> Organized based on Atomic Weight & similar properties

J.A.R. Newlands ( 1837-1898 )

  • Law of Octaves ( 1865 )

    • When organized by atomic weight, he noticed that elements have similar properties in 7 intervals. ( Octaves of 7 elements )

Lothar Meyer ( 1864 )

  • Organized 28 elements into 6 different families with having similar Physical & Chemical Properties.

  • Used the Valence Electrons to help organize and keep the families maintained in a set pattern ( Not specified how )

Dmitri Mendeleev ( 1834 - 1907 ) :

  • Periodic Law (1869 )

    • Elements were sorted by Atomic Weight

      • Similar Physical & chemical properties.

    • Able to predict existence & properties of other elements

Henry Mosely ( 1887 - 1915 )

  • Modern Periodic Table ( 1913 )

    • Arranged in order of increasing atomic number ( Z )

      • Properties recurred periodically

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