Atomic Radius, Ionic Radius, Ionization Energy

Atomic Radius

  • SInce we cannot pinpoint the positions of electrons, we cannot have a boundary as there will always be a probability of an electron being there

    • Instead distance from adjacent Nuclei ( Internuclear Distance )

  • Down a group --> AR increases \because the # of E-levels increase

    • More Mathematically: ARNAR \propto N ( where N is the Principle Energy Level )

  • Across a period --> AR decreases N\because Nstays the same & ZZincreases --> More charge --> Atoms are more grouped together.

    • More Mathematically: AR1ZeffAR \propto \frac{1}{Z_{eff}}--> They are inversely Proportional

Ionic Radius

  • Where as Atomic Radius notes the distance between adjacent nucleus of Neutral atoms, Ionic Radius look at Cations & Anions

  • Note Cations are smaller ( greater charge ) than a stable atom

  • Note Anions are larger ( greater repulsion ) than a stable atom

  • One can easily see that for Isoelectrionic Cations , the one with the greater sum charge has a smaller IRIR ( more charge attracting )

  • One can easily see that for Isoelectrionic Anions, the one with the least sum charge has a bigger IRIR( More charge repelling )

Ionization Energy

  • Mole ( mol ) is an SL unit used to measure the amount of any substance: Typically used to measure large quantities of tiny entities like Atoms, Molecules, and particles. here for true definition ( IMPORTANT ).

  • 1mol=6.0221407610231 mol = 6.02214076 * 10^{23} or NAN_A Avogadro's number

  • First Ionization Energies ( IE1IE_1) are a way to measure the attraction between the nucleus & the outer electron.

    • More precisely its the amount of Energy to completely remove an electron from an neutral atom

    • From this we can find some trends

  • Down a group --> Increased distance from Nucleus to Valence

    • IE becomes smaller

    • More Mathematically: N1IEN \propto \frac{1}{IE}

  • Across a period --> ZZincreases \therefore charge increases

    • IE becomes bigger

    • More Mathematically: ZeffIEZ_{eff} \propto IE

  • Looking at the graph of Ionization Energies amongst the Elements, we can find evidence of why the First Energy Level has maximum of 2e12 e^-1, evidence why s-orbitals contain only 2 electrons, etc..

Screening Effect and Effective Nuclear Charge

  • Zeff=ZSZ_{eff} = Z - S --> Approximate the attractive force Valence Electrons "Feel" from nucleus

With ZeffZ_{eff} being the Effective Nuclear Charge.

With ZZ being the Nuclear Charge ( # of protons )

  • They are tightly packed --> so act as one large charge

With S S being the # of Core Electrons , that block/shield the valence electrons

Electrons in Atoms

  • Lyman's Series --> From N2N=1N\geq 2 \rightarrow N=1( UV )

    • The elements H H and HeHe have ground states at N=1 N = 1 ( why ? )

  • Balmar Series --> From N3N=2N \geq 3 \rightarrow N = 2 ( Visible )

  • Paschen's Series --> From N4N=3N \geq 4 \rightarrow N = 3

  • Brackett Series --> From N5N=4 N \geq 5 \rightarrow N = 4

  • Since the Energy Levels get closer and closer as N converges to \infin, eventually being so insignificantly close that it forms a continuum . Once reached there, the atom becomes an ion.

Calculating IE from Spectral Frequency

Goal: Relate Frequency & Energy

\therefore we use the following equations

  1. c=fλc = f \lambda where c = 3.00×1083.00 \times 10^8 m/s

  2. E=hfE= hf

We can now relate to result in the equation:

E=hcλE = \frac{hc}{\lambda}

However note that IE is the amount of energy needed to remove 1 mole of e e^- from 1 mole of a gas \therefore we must multiply by NAN_A, Avogadro's Number. For convention, one must turn J J into kJkJ for kJmol\frac{kJ}{mol}

IE can be calculated from wavelength or frequency that corresponds to the energy of the electron transition.

1eV=1.602×1019J1 eV = 1.602 \times 10^{-19} J

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