S2.1.2/2.2.1/2.3.1 - Predicting Bond Type

Deduce the polar nature of a covalent bond from EN values


M + NM = ionic

NM + NM = Covalent

Metals-only = Metallic

Electronegativity Difference

  • US Chemist Linus Pauling ( 1901 - 1994 )

    • Introduced idea of Electronegativity (χpχ_p) --> relative attraction that atom of an element has for shared pair of electrons in a Covalent bond.

    • Pauling Electronegativity Scale ( sec. 9 of booklet )

      • Shows Fluorine as most EN element w/ value of χp=4.0.χ_p=4.0. ( why ? )

  • Main use: Estimating based on Δχp\Deltaχ_p, whether a bond is Ionic, Pure-covalent ( non-polar ) or polar covalent. This estimation is based on continuums and rules.

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